
This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Spring 2009 to allow students an opportunity to present a valid argument, generate feedback (pro and con), post responses, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

Should the government control the amount of embryos implanted during in vitro fertilization?

To prevent multiple births that are risky to the mother and the fetus, there should be a law limiting the amount of embryos implanted during in vitro fertilization.


In 2009 in vitro fertilization made headline news for several weeks. Nadya Suleman, "Octomom," was the reason for this big stir up. In 2008 she elected to have 6 of her left over embryos implanted which resulted in 8 babies. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine recommends that only 2 embryos be implanted for women under 35, and no more than 5 embryos be implanted for women over 40. So, the big question for 2009 is "Should the government control the amount of embryos implanted during in vitro fertilization?"

IVF cost starts at $10,000. How does a single mother of already six children afford this expense? Nadya was unemployed, receiving public assistance, and living with her already overwhelmed mother. Around the time of Nadya's procedure, her mother and father were filling bankruptcy claiming $1 million in liabilites. Millions of people are wondering why she wasn't considering her parents and and the future of her six children.

England and Italy have had laws for years concerning the number of embryos allowed to be implanted during an IVF procedure. Georgia's state Senator Hudgens would like there to be a law put on the books in his state that limits the number of embryos implanted during an IVF procedure. Dr. Daniel Shapiro, a fertility doctor in Atlanta, says that fertility patients will just go to another state and have the procedure done.

In vitro Fertilization is a very pricy procedure. Since IVF is a "cash cow" for fertility doctors, some physicians will ignore the patient's financial situation and just do the procedure. Since some doctors have questionable ethics, the number of embroys implanted during an IVF procedure should be controlled by federal law to prevent multiple births that are risky to the mother and fetus.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

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